About the Governance, Justice and Peace Directorate

The Governance, Justice, and Peace Directorate is a vital arm of the Catholic Church in Ghana, dedicated to advancing the principles of the Catholic Social Teachings (CST) to foster positive change in society. We work tirelessly to enhance the influence of the Catholic Church in Ghana, striving for justice, peace, and good governance.

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Our Mission

Our mission is to be a powerful voice for good in Ghana, advocating for justice, peace, and responsible leadership, guided by the values of the Catholic Church and especially the call to help those most in need

-Monitoring and Evaluation- We ensure accountability and learning through regular monitoring and evaluation activities, including quarterly review meetings on work plan implementation.

Enhancing Catholic Influence

  • Objective: Increase the scope of influence of the Ghana Catholic Bishops’ Conference (GCBC) to improve policies and achieve structural changes in Ghana.
    • Activities: Organize GCBC and Ghana Catholic Legislative Network (GCLN) meetings, follow GCLN meetings, organize spiritual exercises for the Catholic community in Parliament, identify advocacy issues, attend Parliamentary sittings, track bills of interest, and conduct a study to assess advocacy strategies.

Mobilizing Resources

  • Objective: Mobilize resources (human, financial, logistics) for the directorate’s activities.
    • Activities: Identify resource needs, develop a 3-year Strategic Plan, develop resource mobilization strategy/plan, implement resource mobilization strategy/plan, and network with Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Faith-Based Organizations (FBOs).

Facilitating Justice and Peace

  • Objective: Facilitate and coordinate the National Justice and Peace Commission.

    • Activities: Consult to understand the vision of the Conference on the formation of the Church and State/Justice and Peace Commission, facilitate the organization of an annual plenary, and organize ongoing formation on Catholic Social Teachings for Arch/Diocesan Justice and Peace Commissions (JPCs).
  • Objective: Promote justice and peace in the country.

    • Activities: Facilitate the observation of the 2024 General Election, organize national multi-stakeholder forums on peaceful elections, train religious leaders in interfaith dialogue, conduct regional dialogue sessions, mobilize resources for Social Pastoral Institute (SPI), organize SPI Working Group review meetings, conduct research on pertinent issues, and organize national dialogues.

Institutional Strengthening and Communication

  • Objective: Promote institutional strengthening, digitalization, effective communication, and improve the visibility of the Directorate.
    • Activities: Facilitate digitalization of operations, create and operate a website and social media handles for the directorate, and implement energy and water conservation practices.


Support advocacy initiatives of the Bishops' Conference


Monitor and report on critical governance, justice, and peace issues in Ghana


Promote understanding and application of Catholic Social Teaching through collaboration with Catholic Social Action Groups.

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